Monday, April 5, 2010

Lent is now over… RS

…And as a result, I can now go back to being an angry, miserable bastard. Many of you who read this blog may recall that I told my mother that I was going to give up acting as such (…

We’ll despite the naysayers, I did just that. I was a wonderful man for 40 days….

But now that Lent is over… the first thing I did when I came in this morning is to tell my office counterpart (who wanted to talk about the NCAA Brackets of which I have been out since round one) that I wasn’t in the mood to hear any of his shit! Fuck him…. This verbal lashing was made even better not 15 seconds later when another officemate came and wanted to talk Redskins… I was all over that one… leaving the first guy sad and confused.

While that was minimum… its only noon. There will be more miserable bastardness to come… this is promise!!!


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