Friday, October 30, 2009

Inn of the Dove... LB

I was driving by this small motel last night called the Inn of the Dove.  In PA they are all over the place.  They are small suite style motels that focus on couple getaways.  All the rooms have hot tubs, king sized beds, champagne, strawberries, etc.  And I thought to myself yesterday.  I would NEVER stay there.  I feel there is not a washer/dryer equipped to remove all the many years worth of excretions out of those sheets.  I imagine the hot tubs being so grimy that the jets create a foamy top like a pint a Guinness.  The whole concept to me is wrong. 

But the same goes for any motel really.  I think of all the folks using those places to carry on their torrid affairs and I can literally begin to feel the shame.  It's uncomfortable like crumbs in the sheets.


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