Warning… this is not my normal funny type of blog about how my life is a disaster... Well I guess it kind of is…
I hope this comes off right and for the first time in my life I don’t mean to offend… Well, yes I do…
Although I don't love my job... my company is very good. Every week they host some kind of Holistic Life seminar to promote life balance. They encourage employees to attend as many of these as possible and all but mandate that we attend one per qtr. I think that's great. This might be the first company I’ve worked for that gave a damn about its people. I've been here six months and yesterday I went to my second seminar. It was on “Eating Right for your Body Type”. I'm into health and fitness so that was right up my alley...
So I walk in... and it’s me and two white guys (I’m a Black Male if this is your first time reading this blog)... and every black/overweight female administrative assistant in the company. Now I have no issues with Black women specifically and I have no issue with overweight people. Many of you who know me know that I myself used to be overweight. But I can’t stand Black people when they embarrass me in public by virtue of simply being "Black"...
These women talked through the whole presentation and had an adverse comment about everything the poor presenter had to say... "Oh black people don't do this and we don't do that... We don't eat like that... we don't cook like that... we can’t workout like that… it’s not in our culture, etc…" On and on for the entire hour!
Meanwhile back at the ranch... the poor woman giving the presentation IS A BLACK WOMAN!!!! I could not get out of there fast enough. It was killing me having to sit there and listen to excuse after excuse for not trying to better yourself. I spent most of the time thinking to myself… Why the hell did you even come here today anyway? To waste this poor woman’s time? To kill and hour of work? Clearly it wasn’t to better yourself.
When I left I wanted to stop and apologize to the speaker for my people’s behavior... but then I remembered... I'm a Dark Indian named Tonto Jenkins who makes war clubs and spear.... so I simply walked out of the room in shame...
Am I out of line people? Am I asking too much? Am I missing something there. Let me know. I’d love to get some feedback. I promise to be funny again in my next blog…
Tonto, I feel the same way every morning riding the Metro with these ill-to-no "hometrained" DC youth. It literally makes my stomach hurts. All we can do is be better examples and try to reach out in nonjudgemental ways.....provided that you have that type of patience. I usually don't.