Saturday, November 7, 2009

Meeting New People... LB

I've been desperately seeking ways to broaden my social circle.  I said, "Carpe Diem LB, you don't meet people by staying home watching old episodes of Battlestar Galatica!"  So I decided to go where the people are. My journey took me many places.

-Candle making class
-Star Trek fan club
-Hanging out near the entrances of William-Sonoma
-Posing as a confused patron in the cold and flu section of the grocery store.  (still fighting H1N1 8 weeks later)
-Becoming fans of shadow puppets and carbs on Facebook
-Reopening my Myspace account - didn't realize there were so many aspiring musician in the world. 
-Joining the flower club at my church

To date, all attempts have failed  :(

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