Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This Morning at the Gym… RS

I workout this morning like I often do before work. I go in order to work the anger and frustration out of myself before I go into my office and have to wreck shop on someone for looking at my crazy. You know how it is. This morning was no different for the most part. Ran… lifted weights… got ready to take a shower. This is when things started to go south. As I was getting in the shower, I dropped my towel on the floor and half of it got wet. Shit!!! But ok, a lot worse things have happened to me in my life so I just said fuck it…

I took my shower and got out. I was watching Sports Center on the flat screen in the locker room and everything was cool… until a naked dude came up to me soaking wet talking about some “Hey man, I think you took my towel.” I looked down an realized that the towel that I had brought this morning was no longer white… but was now grey… and was not nearly as wet as it should have been after I dropped it on the floor. Fuck!!! Sure enough, I took this fools towel and mine was hanging on the rack by my shower.

Upon initial inspection I was 100% sure that if I needed to I could kick the shit out of this dude if it came to that. But the fact of the matter is, I was wrapped in his towel and he was naked and wet. That means that a fight was out of the question. Fuck!

At that point… all I could do was swallow my pride, walk over to the showers and hand him my towel which despite not having been used… was half wet. I handed it to him and dared him to say shit. He gave me the “fuck you” eye and walked back to his locker. I hope I never see him again!


1 comment:

  1. I was actually getting really turned on by your story, until I realized you had wiped yourself down essentially in another man. (nothing's more personal than a towel) That's when the story really took an awkward turn for me... sexually!
