Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The worst thing I've ever eaten... LB

PS…. This is not an old wives tales or urban folklore… this is the truth….

Many moons ago... I when I was a wee lass. (i.e when cellphones were as long as your forearm and the interweb was not what it is today) My mother was too tired to cook so decided we should go pick up Chinese for dinner.

I got my usual, beef and broccoli and an egg roll. About an hour later, what would be to date the worst case of food poisoning i've ever had hit me like a ton of bricks. I pretty much sublet my parents bathroom for two days. That Sunday, when I could stand or finish a sentence without vomiting. I heard my mother yell for me to come downstairs. She had just read an article about how the very same Chinese food restaurant we had gone to was shut down. WHY? Because they found 40 skinned cats all awaiting their fate, to become various dishes at the restaurant.

I’ll tell you what… It just proves my theory – that brown sauce can make anything taste delicious. (I wonder how it would taste with a little bacon in it)


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