Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Unrecognized Phone Numbers... Works Like a Charm... RS

Once upon a time I was interviewing with an IT contractor that generated about $40M/year in top side volume. A mentor of mine that did business with the contractor on occasion connected me with the owner of the contract company with whom I quickly developed a good relationship. I had several interviews and it seemed like the offer was on its way... until this guy just disappeared. Didn't return phone calls... emails... nothing. It was like he was an phantom or something like that.

I suspected he was avoiding my calls so I had a friend call him (yep… LB). He picked up immediately because he didn't recognize the phone number. She hung up on him right away. Later, brief interaction would prove useful as it lead him to call her back several times and leave several voicemails offering his corporate services. Once I realized he was, in fact, alive I called from another number to try to set up a final meeting... He picked up (dick head). He sounded a little shocked when I told him who I was but he pretended to be glad to hear from me. I turned on my best “good future employee” voice and tried to work my magic. He confirmed the time, date and location for our meeting... and then that bastard never showed up... I told my mentor at about it and he told me not to pursue any further b/c the guy was unreliable. What? Then why the hell did you hook me up with this fool in the first place? Anyway, I digress…

Now, I’m nobody special but I don’t deserve to be dicked around by corporate thugs. So of course I had to come up with a sick scheme to make this clown understand that his actions were unacceptable and frustrated me greatly. My memory drifted back to when I had LB call him from a number he didn’t recognize and how he responded by basically stalking her to offer his services. It was at that moment that I formulated my Evil Plan of Doom. And after a few weeks of plotting I put Order 67 into effect. For weeks after our “cancelled” meeting this fool got a nice surprise from me… An ungodly amount of phone calls from random numbers that he most certainly would not have recognized to his office and cell phone numbers. How you ask? It was simple. I have several friends who work in VZW and Sprint stores across the region where he operates. I spoke with all of them and told them of my plight and they were happy to assist me in my time of need. They all began calling this fool everyday from different numbers, setting up fake business development meetings under the guise of real and fake companies. Then they would either not showing or calling an cancelling at the very last minute. We even had a schedule set up as well as restaurant reservation confirmed that he actually made. It was brilliant!

I know what you’re thinking. This would be an annoyance but nothing more than that. Well, yes and no. And the way I see it… it’s a little more no than yes. As the scam continued and his appointments continued to either not show or cancel he began calling them back regularly to try to reschedule these fake meeting and offer services. I guess business is slow for him if he’s chasing fake leads like this. This project went on for about two weeks before my friends simply got tired of the charade and stopped making the calls but by that time I was more than satisfied with the outcome. At the end of the day I got nothing out of it... except for the satisfaction of know that for a least a few days he was scrambling just like me.

Did I mention that my life is a dumpster fire???